T. Paul Schultz is the Malcolm K Brachman Professor Emeritus of Economics at Yale University. With a BA (1961) from Swarthmore College and a PhD (1966) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he spent most of his academic life at Yale University (since 1974).
He is one of the most outstanding population and development economists of our time. His empirical work has had a huge impact on the profession, in particular he helped to establish economic demography. His research has covered fertility and family planning in developing countries and the fertility transition, household models dealing with health and mortality issues, inequality, migration and gender.
At Yale University, he directed the Economic Growth Center from 1983 – 1996.
T. Paul Schultz is a GLO Fellow since the beginning.
He was a keynote speaker at Yale University on May 11-13, 2018 for the second biennial conference of the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS), focusing on advances in health policy and health care in China and the United States, an event which was supported by the GLO and organized by GLO Cluster Lead Xi Chen.
For a decade (1991 – 2001), he acted as an Editor of the Journal of Population Economics, and (since 2002) still provides his advice and support as an Associate Editor of this journal.
On May 24, 2020, T. Paul Schultz is celebrating his 80th birthday; the GLO and the Journal of Population Economics express their respect for his immense lifelong achievements and their huge gratitude for the tremendous support received.
Congratulations and best wishes for a healthy, enjoyable and productive future!

Featured image: Photo by Andrew Itaga on Unsplash