Meet the author! The Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) Spring Event took place online on 25 April 2022, 4-6 pm CEST (Maastricht, Dutch time). Authors presented the highlights of their articles published in issues 35:1 and 35:2 of 2022. Sessions were chaired by 4 journal editors. Various members of the JOPE Board present. Intensive discussions with a large audience. High number of participants registered.
Missed the event? Want to study details? Here is the Video of the event. Explore also the links to the papers provided below in the program outline!

Presenting authors in bold! Scheduled times all CEST/Maastricht-Netherlands
16:00-18:00/4-6 pm: Welcome: Klaus F. Zimmermann
16:00-16:30/4:00-4.30 pm — Elderly & Youth — Chair: Kompal Sinha

- Shu Cai:
Does Social Participation Improve Cognitive Abilities of the Elderly? - Massimiliano Bratti, Corinna Ghirelli, Enkelejda Havari & Giulia Santangelo
Vocational training for unemployed youth in Latvia
Shu Cai Enkelejda Havari

16:30-17.00/4:30-5.00 pm — Children — Chair: Terra McKinnish

- Jo Blanden, Emilia Del Bono, Kirstine Hansen & Birgitta Rabe
Quantity and quality of childcare and children’s educational outcomes - Simen Markussen & Marte Strøm
Children and labor market outcomes: separating the effects of the first three children
Emilia Del Bono Marte Strom

17:00-17.30/5:00-5.30 pm — Covid-19 — Chair: Alfonso Flores-Lagunes

- Pierre Pestieau & Gregory Ponthiere
Optimal lockdown and social welfare
- Ján Palguta, René Levínský Samuel Škoda
Do elections accelerate the COVID-19 pandemic?
Gregory Ponthiere Samuel Skoda

17:30-18.00/5:30-6.00 pm — US Immigrants — Chair: Michaella Vanore

- Harriet Duleep, Xingfei Liu & Mark Regets
How the earnings growth of US immigrants was underestimated - Crystal Zhan
Wage distributions in origin societies and occupational choices of immigrant generations in the USA
Mark Regets Crystal Zhan


Explore the full set of JOPE papers (23 papers): January 2022, issue 1 & April 2022, issue 2
Annual Journal of Population Economics Report 2021: many submissions, fast first decisions, high impact. JOPE EiC Report 2021.
Vol. 35, Issue 3, July 2022: Journal of Population Economics: 15 articles