Because vaccinations are crucial to containing the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to identify the key factors behind successful immunisation campaigns. This column shows that pandemic pressures, economic strength, educational advancement, and political regimes can affect vaccination uptake, given vaccine availability. While democratic regimes initially show faster vaccination uptake, this advantage fades out as countries try to get more people vaccinated. Countries with strong economies and education systems are likely to have faster uptake of vaccination campaigns.
Read the column:
Vu M. Ngo, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Phuc V. Nguyen, Toan Luu Duc Huynh and Huan H. Nguyen (2021).
Understanding the setup and speed of global COVID-19 vaccination campaigns
VoxEU on 25 January 2022.
Featured image: Markus-Spiske-DnBtFBnqlRc-unsplash
Vu M. Ngo Klaus F. Zimmermann Phuc V. Nguyen Toan Huynh Huan H. Nguyen