A new paper published ONLINE FIRST freely accessible finds for the USA that mobility decreases significantly more in high-trust counties than in low-trust counties after stay-at-home orders are implemented.
Stay-at-home orders, social distancing, and trust
by Abel Brodeur, Idaliya Grigoryeva & Lamis Kattan
Published ONLINE FIRST 2021: Journal of Population Economics
ACCESS. FREE READLINK: https://rdcu.be/cmSoY

Author Abstract: A clear understanding of community response to government decisions is crucial for policy makers and health officials during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, we document the determinants of implementation and compliance with stay-at-home orders in the USA, focusing on trust and social capital. Using cell phone data measuring changes in non-essential trips and average distance traveled, we find that mobility decreases significantly more in high-trust counties than in low-trust counties after the stay-at-home orders are implemented, with larger effects for more stringent orders. We also provide evidence that the estimated effect on post-order compliance is especially large for confidence in the press and governmental institutions, and relatively smaller for confidence in medicine and in science.

EiC Report 2020
Journal of Population Economics
Access to the recently published Volume 34, Issue 3, July 2021.
The safest time to fly: pandemic response in the era of Fox News
by Maxim Ananyev, Michael Poyker and Yuan Tian
OPEN ACCESS: Free Readlink – Download PDF
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