The new Clarivate Impact Factor ranks the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) substantially higher; from a value of 2.8 in 2020 it moved up to 4.7 for 2021. This confirms the strong upward trend in performance of the Journal already documented by the Scopus Cite Score, see LINK. While the Scopus Cite Score measures the contributions of journals with a broader coverage and a more long-term (4 years) basis, the Clarivate Journal Impact Factor 2021 is calculated as citations in 2021 to items published in 2019 and 2020 divided by the number of citable items in 2019 and 2020. The Clarivate Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) for 2021 is now 1.76, implying that JoPE has 76% more citation impact than the average in its category. The journal rank revealed by JCI for 2021 is 43 among the 570 journals in economics (Q1) and 2 among the 50 journals in demography (Q1).
