The Global Labor Organization (GLO) and the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization (EHERO) are organizing several special sessions at the ISQOLS Annual Virtual Conference in August 2021 (specific dates to be announced).

The sessions will include high-quality presentations related to cutting-edge research in the field of economics of happiness.
They will also feature several invited presentations of chapters from the “Welfare, Well-Being, Happiness Section” of Section Editor Milena Nikolova of the Springer Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics project edited by Klaus F. Zimmermann. Milena Nikolova, Associate Editor of the Journal of Population Economics, is also the GLO Cluster Lead for “Economics of Happiness”.
The deadline for abstract submissions is February 15, 2021 via the following link
Acceptance of papers to the special sessions cannot be guaranteed because of space limitations.
These sessions are part of the ISQOLS 2021 conference and conference fees for this conference have to be paid accordingly. More information on
GLO – EHERO organizers
Dr. Martijn Hendriks (EHERO and GLO), Dr. Milena Nikolova (University of Groningen and GLO), and Dr. Martijn Burger (EHERO)