A new study provides direct evidence that the positive relationship between regional inequality and COVID-19 infection is driven by mobility.
Chakraborty, T., Mukherjee, A. Economic geography of contagion: a study of COVID-19 outbreak in India. J Popul Econ (2023).

Free to READ: https://rdcu.be/c3XPS
GLO Fellow Tanika Chakraborty

Vol. 36, Issue 1, January 2023: Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) 16 articles. https://link.springer.com/journal/148/volumes-and-issues/36-1
Watch the videos of article presentations on December 1, 2022 during the GLO Global Conference 2022.
JOPE has CiteScore 6.5 (2021, LINK) & Impact Factor 4.7 (2021, LINK)